My Anger is a Beacon Back Into True Power
My anger is my power gone awry
It is my aborted fight response
asking for a replay,
it is my soul’s foray
out of freeze mode
My anger is my power gone awry
It is my aborted fight response
asking for a replay,
it is my soul’s foray
out of freeze mode
On Earth.
Simple preposition.
Two innocent letters.
And yet.
So much distance between the two words.
I disconnected from my heart
so I wouldn’t feel the hurt
but it left a gaping hole
My heart breaks.
Sunflowers against barricades
floral flags of hope and solidarity.
This is
not a poem
(nor a pipe).
From here, in this realm beyond form, beyond words, it is clear.
We are the wide-open sky,
rather than the bird beating its wings to pass through.
I long for the day
when I can step into the minefield of your triggers
with open arms,
I’ve been living from the open wound
old hurts bleeding into my present
pummeled, powerless
at the slightest movement.
grasping, scared
I haven’t been able to cobble together three words about the current situation in Israel and Gaza. All I can access is a writhing knot of agony and powerlessness in my stomach and heart. So I’ve decided to share something I wrote 20 years ago about the two months I’d spent in the West Bank late 2002.
The following are pearls of wisdom I got while hiking the Cinderella trail in Joaquin Miller Park, Oakland, CA. It felt like a metaphoric take on the fairy tale—releasing old [...]