Covid-19, AKA Spiritual Bootcamp
Each week, day, hour
Triggers something new.
The weight
Of holding others’ wellbeing
In the choices I make.
Each week, day, hour
Triggers something new.
The weight
Of holding others’ wellbeing
In the choices I make.
This unbridled vertical energy
Dominating my head space,
My scanner spinning at a reckless pace
My inner narrator droning on endlessly,
Drowning out my deeper knowing.
I’m in the chrysalis of change,
Hanging in the bardo
Between then and now,
My caterpillar parts
In the current of life
there’s no such thing as change,
only flow and the present moment.
As I attune to the heartbeat of the earth–
slow, steady, unhurried,,
drumming to an ancient rhythm
that pulses through the millennia—
The scared child parts
in their trauma bubble.
that tips the balance
from complacency to action
and wakes us up?
I was taught
to trust only what I see.
All else is illusory.
keeper of memories
purveyor of dreams
mouthpiece for source
I want to heal
my small, scared
huddled inner child.