We humans are the planet’s covid-19. With our inexorable expansion. Spreading until we’ve invaded every spare corner of earth except the most inhospitable. Cutting off the Earth’s supply of oxygen as we decimate the forests. Suffocating her lungs. Only the most robust and adaptable species survive our encroachment. The weakest and most vulnerable go extinct. As of yet, there is no cure for our insatiable growth. And no matter how many messengers we are sent, our leaders/companies who profit from our manufactured needs have not heeded the plea to slow down and take stock of our actions. Perhaps, finally, we have met our match. Our viral equivalent. The planet’s (temporary?) vaccine against us.

I believe all crises–individual and collective–are indicators of something that’s out of balance, of old ways of being that need to be updated and healed. They are mirrors for us to look inside and release what no longer serves. Which in no way minimizes or dismisses the tragedies and pain so many are experiencing. My heart breaks in equal parts for the human losses (especially for the most physically and socio-economically vulnerable among us) and for the nonhumans impacted by our recklessness. There is no either/or. We are all interconnected. All. Not just as humans (which this moment is already a great reminder of, since we so often forget that reality) but as a planet.

The jury’s still out on whether we–as a species–have the collective capacity for self-reflection that is required for radical change. Or whether our leaders have the wisdom/will to guide us on that path. But as individuals (for those of us not in a dire situation requiring immediate attention), I have so much faith in our ability to pause. Reassess. Send compassion to the old wounds that are being activated by the crisis. And rise to the occasion–whatever that means for each of us.

© Jenny Brav