When I was a light being

When I was a light being

I cavorted with the stars
And radiated sunrays
From my soul.
All was light,
And immeasurable space.

My soul was not ready
To take on another body
To don the illusion
Of a separate self –
Once again.

She was not ready
To navigate
The pain,
The hatred
The fear
The oppression
The strife
That stem
From the illusion.

At every turn
She seeks ways
To return
To that other world.
She balks
At being
In this human form,
And is baffled
By the bills,
The worries,
The daily trifles…
Because she remembers
That when we were light beings
We cavorted with the stars.

Oh, the longing
To return
To the love
And the spaciousness
That knows no opposite.

And yet,
When I take the time to listen,
I know.
This is why I’m here.
To bridge the worlds,
To remember
That there is no other.
To clear the wounds
Of illusion
And grief
And pain
That I hold
In my body
And heart,
And guide others
In doing the same.
To find the beauty,
The joy,
The immeasurable space
In this world of matter
And boundaried reality

And to radiate sunrays
From every cell
In my body.

© Jenny Brav